A busy lifestyle often leaves us feeling stressed, overworked, and weighed down—mentally, physically, and spiritually. Add in exposure to pollution, processed foods, toxic environments, and alcohol, and it’s no wonder we feel sluggish and unfocused. That’s why fasting, cleansing, and detoxing are essential practices to maintain balance and restore vitality.

Cleansing helps reduce bloating, alkalize the body, and eliminate toxins and pollutants that accumulate in the gut and bloodstream. By giving the digestive system a break from unhealthy habits, you allow your body to reset and focus on its natural detoxification processes.

When your body is functioning at its best, you’ll experience increased energy, mental clarity, and a renewed sense of focus. Supporting your body with detoxification, along with essential vitamins and minerals, is key to achieving optimal wellness and operating at your highest level—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Preparing for Your Cleanse

  1. Set Yourself Up for Success
    No matter the length of your cleanse—whether it’s one, three, five, or seven days—the better prepared you are, the more effective and enjoyable the experience will be.

  2. Clarify Your Intentions
    Take a moment to reflect on what you hope to achieve. Are you looking for a reset, a way to develop healthier habits, or an opportunity to add more fruits and veggies into your diet? Whatever your goals may be, writing them down can help solidify your intentions and keep you focused.

  3. Create Space for Rest
    Try to clear your schedule of major meetings, events, or stressful commitments. During a cleanse, your body is hard at work healing, repairing, and restoring, so this is the time to truly listen to your needs. While rest is key, gentle movement like walking, stretching, or light exercise can also feel supportive if your energy allows.

  4. Ease Into It
    Two days before your cleanse, begin eliminating processed sugar, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and highly processed foods. This step can help reduce cleansing symptoms like fogginess and headaches. Instead, focus on a plant-based diet rich in nutrient-dense foods: vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Staying well-hydrated and adjusting your diet beforehand can make the cleanse feel smoother and more manageable for your body and mind.

During Your Cleanse

  1. Follow Your Juice Schedule
    Plan your juices carefully and drink them in the correct order. Each juice is designed to provide specific nutrients at the right time, so set a timer every two hours to stay on track. These intervals are key to achieving the best results from your cleanse.

  2. Stay Hydrated
    Hydration is essential during a cleanse. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and consider incorporating herbal teas or tonics to further support your detox. These not only hydrate but also help alkalize the gut, enhancing nutrient absorption. Every juice you consume works to reduce bloating and flush out toxic fats, chemicals, and other pollutants, while water amplifies these detoxification processes.

  3. Rest and Rejuvenate
    Prioritize rest as your body works hard to reset and restore. During a cleanse, your body is rebalancing water retention, nutrient levels, blood sugar, and pH. Keep warm clothes or a scarf handy, as temperature fluctuations are common. Take time to pamper yourself with a warm bath, dry brushing, meditation, or a sauna session. Allow yourself the space to simply be.

  4. Manage Hunger and Discomfort
    If hunger strikes, adding chia seeds to your juices can help. These tiny seeds are rich in protein, healthy fats, and fiber, which can keep you feeling full. Sometimes, missing the act of chewing can make you feel hungry—chia seeds are a great way to bridge the gap. Should you experience headaches, light-headedness, or stomach cramps, these are often signs of caffeine, sugar, or alcohol withdrawal as your body detoxes and your gut pH resets. If you need a snack, reach for plant-based options like nuts, olives, fruits, a simple salad, or one of our protein smoothies. Listen to your body and nourish it accordingly.

After Your Cleanse

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve given your body the love and care it deserves. This is more than just a cleanse—it’s the start of a new chapter for your health and lifestyle.

  1. Ease Back In
    Take it slow as you transition out of your cleanse. Pay close attention to how your body feels as you reintroduce foods. This is the perfect opportunity to embrace a plant-based diet and keep feeling your best! Follow us on social media for recipes, tips, and inspiration to make a plant-based lifestyle both delicious and satisfying.

  2. Stay Hydrated
    Continue to drink plenty of water to support your body as it finishes detoxing and healing. Give yourself a few days to fully recover before diving back into high-intensity workouts like CrossFit or intense cardio. Your body is still in a restorative phase, so be gentle with yourself.

  3. Revisit Your Intentions
    Take time to reflect on the goals you set at the start of your cleanse. Release any habits that no longer serve you, and keep your intentions front and center. Prioritize your health, happiness, and stability as you move forward in this new chapter. You’ve already taken a big step—keep building on this momentum!

Allie Stark